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Access to Nature Appeal

Connecting with nature is good for us. It’s inspirational. It encourages us to protect and save the amazing wildlife all around us.

People from less advantaged backgrounds are less likely to feel connected to nature, and to consider careers in conservation. We want to change this.

A visit to the zoo can improve wellbeing, especially for children experiencing social, mental or physical health difficulties. Seeing breath-taking animals in amazing habits is an unforgettable experience.

For young people in schools and community groups who face barriers to visiting the zoo,  Access to Nature provides free education sessions, free entrance to the zoo, and supports the provision of transport and food. We believe everyone should be able to join us in Saving Wildlife Together.

Your support will give children and young people across the South West a memory that lasts forever.

£10 could make it possible for a child to have their first ever visit to a zoo with their school or carer

£20 could fund new equipment for their learning sessions, including magnifying glasses and animal materials that children can touch and experience

£40 could deliver a fun, immersive learning session at the zoo for 20 children who may otherwise never have visited, sparking their imagination and inspiring them to save wildlife

£150 could help a local school group to travel to the zoo and enjoy a healthy lunch, supporting low-income families

£1,000 could help us further develop our learning programme, including creating more sessions for children with special educational needs and disabilities

We can all act now to save wildlife together.

You can make a difference by contributing to the Access to Nature Appeal. The money raised will directly support the Society's work to create the conservationists of the future.